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   Contacts from the Legacy Web Site Readers

The France family is grateful to those art lovers who have been good enough to contact us about The Legacy of Artistry web site. A number of people are the owners of paintings by Jesse or Eurilda who are interested in additional information about the location and approximate creation date of their paintings. Others are interested in learning how to be notified when paintings of Jesse and Eurilda come up for sale or auction. And others are family members who have contacted us about their family relationship to us. For example, we were delighted to hear from the daughter of William France, one of Jesse and Eurilda's two sons. We had lost contact with her over 50 years ago. We just recently heard from two generations of the Albert Finlay France family in Maryland. Albert was Jesse's brother.

We are pleased that our web site is providing a legacy of Jesse and Eurilda's paintings and that we have been fortunate enough to make contacts with newly discovered family members as well as everyone else who become linked to us as a result of the Legacy of Artistry.


Walter DeWayne France, Jr. for the Family
Great Grandson of Jesse and Eurilda

February 20, 2008