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This web site is dedicated to a legacy of artistry resulting from two very talented American artists, Jesse and Eurilda France. This husband and wife created some of the most captivating and enduring paintings. Jesse focused on seascapes and landscapes, and Eurilda focused on portraits and still lifes. We invite you to rediscover their paintings, which include oils, watercolors, pastels, and crayons, spanning the period of 1885 to 1935.

Please take your time and view the many different works catalogued on this site. While some of the works remain in the family collections, many were sold, given as gifts, or stored, often unsigned, undated, and until now, out of public view. The family is interested in sharing these treasures with you. Please enjoy this compendium of fine art and feel free to contact the artists' family by e-mail at artists@jesse-eurilda-france.com with information on additional paintings as well as any comments and questions about this web site.


Walter DeWayne France Jr., 
for the Family Great 
Grandson of Jesse and
Eurilda France

A note is in order regarding the prolific collection of Jesse's paintings shown on this site. Jesse often created a "draft" version of a painting, typically on 10x14 inch particle board in his medium of choice. Subsequently, the painting was scaled to a larger size, such as 18 x 25 inches, often framed and then sold. An example is illustrated by comparing Image P1010109 (10x14 inches), which is an unsigned draft, to the final signed painting, Image P1010110 (16.5x29 inches). While many paintings were sold for Jesse and Eurilda's livelihoods, we are fortunate to have a number of their final paintings as well as numerous "drafts", many of which are outstanding paintings in their own right.

Another note has to do with the quality of some of the painting photos in the web site. In some cases, the paintings have become dirty over the years, and in other cases the digital photographs need to be retaken for enhancement. In each case, where there are improvements to be made, the presented images should be considered "place holders" where the improved images will be inserted as the web site is updated.