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   The Cliff House

The Jesse and Eurilda France Summer Home and Studio

The Cliff House

The France home was built on land purchased at Higgins Beach, Maine in 1902. A photograph of the home taken in 1903 is shown in the first photo. The second photo is from 1953 when the home was owned by Jesse and Eurilda’s son, William C. France, who had inherited the property. Notice the changes to the house in that 50-year period, including the front entrance which had been relocated to the east side. During that period, their other son, DeWayne Loomis France, owned a summer home at the north end of Houghton Street. The locations of these homes are shown on a Mapquest map on which Cliff Street is along the bluffs, and Houghton Street is perpendicular to the shore.

Other pictures of the Cliff House can be found in the collection of Rodney Laughton, Historian for Scarborough and Higgins Beaches as published on the web site:


His following two photos from 1950 and 2005 show the Cliff House as the fourth house in from Houghton Street.