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In the descriptions of those paintings which appear in the web site and have been sold or auctioned, details of the sales price and estimated price range are included. However, there are some auction records that are informative but do not include an image of the painting. Therefore, for completeness, those records are provided here with descriptions from the web sites www.askart.com and web.artprice.com which are excellent sources of upcoming auctions as well as being a compendium of historical auction activity.

Image Artist Scene Medium   Signed Dated Size Collection Notes
Lot 64 Jesse Cottages by the Lake Oil on Canvas No No 12x16 in Private For auction by Bakker/Boccelli, 9/13/1998; Sold for $150;Est'd price range $400-600. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 303 Jesse Landscape Oil on Board Yes No 6x8 in Private For auction by Mystic Fine Arts, Ltd., 10/03/1996; Sold for $560; Est'd price range $200-400. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 120A Jesse River Scene Oil on Canvas Yes No 12x18 in Private For auction by Mystic Fine Arts, Ltd, 7/27/1995. Selling price $660; Est'd selling price range $ 700- 900. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 156 Jesse Haying Mixed Media/Paper Yes No 12.7x20 in Private For auction by Skinner, Inc, 8/26/93; Not sold; Est'd price range $ 350-650. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 97 Jesse The Road to the Village Oil on Canvas Yes No 12x19 in Private For auction by Skinner, Inc., 3/16/89; Sales price $314; Est'd price range $400-450. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 213 Eurilda Fall Landscape Oil on Board Yes No 5x7 in Private For auction by Young Fine Arts, 5/17/97; Selling price $425; est'd price range $ 300-500. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 297 Eurilda Autumn Landscape Oil on Canvas By Estate No 20x16 in Private For auction by Mystic Fine Arts, Ltd., 7/27/95; Selling price $ 165; Est'd price range $ 300-500. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 175 Eurilda Haying Scene WC on Paper Yes No 13x19 in Private For auction by Mystic Fine Arts Gallery, 12/16/93; Not sold; Est'd price range $ 500-700. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 141 Jesse Crashing Waves WC on Paper Yes No 12 x 24 in
Private For auction by Mystic Fine Arts, 8/9/1999; Not Sold; Est'd price range $ 400-600. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 69 Jesse Venice Oil on Board Yes No 9.9 x 12 in Private For auction by Barridoff Galleries, 2/10/1993;Selling Price $400; Est'd Price Range $300-500. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 160 Jesse Tonalist Landscape Oil on Board Yes No 9 x 12 in Private For auction by Young Fine Arts Auction, 11/28/1992; Selling Price $250. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.
Lot 159 Jesse Spraying Surf WC on Paper Yes No 12 x 20 in Private For auction by Young Fine Arts Auction, 11/28/1992; Selling Price $80. Info from www.askart.com and/or web.artprice.com.