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  • The family is very grateful for the outstanding contributions of our Web Master, Aaron Lee. He designed, developed, and implemented this site with great creativity and dedication. It has been a pleasure working with him on this family project.

  • The family sincerely appreciates the many contributions of painting images and descriptions of Jesse’s and Eurilda’s art for inclusion in this web site from the painting owners. Our interactions with these people have been most enjoyable, and we look forward to ongoing communications with others as they view the site and seek more information on the France paintings in their collections.

  • The family wants to thank those organizations that document the buying and selling of art works on a worldwide basis as well as providing helpful research data. We particularly appreciate Ask Art (www.askart.com) and Art Price (web.artprice.com) which gave permission for numbers of digital images of paintings by Jesse and Eurilda France to be included in our Legacy of Artistry web site.